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Education Projects

AK Design have considerable experience of working within education. Contracts vary in value from £50k maintenance projects £1 - £5 million school extensions. We have provided many services to our clients which have been tailor made to their requirements services such as lead consultant, architectural services and building surveying services.


Each of the schools we have worked with have a certain amount of expansion they need to achieve to meet current legislation guidelines. This can depend upon the level of capital expenditure they are given which is either sourced through local authority/s government ways or from funds raised individually by the schools.


Once ascertained this capital can be used for generally maintenance and repairs to new one off classroom extensions or new classroom blocks, sports halls or external landscape changes and sensory gardens. All over the above we have been involved in throughout the years.

Activity Playground


Contract Value:              £1,400,000.00

Contract duration:          20 weeks

AKDP Appointment:       Architectural Design/Building Surveying Consultant


The scheme is located within an existing residential estate and includes the decommissioning of an existing underground car park. The scheme is funded jointly by Local Authority and the Housing Association and provides a new single storey Adventure Playground with a green roof, secure play area, 2 sunken feature communal gardens for residents and new surface level car parking provision.


Our appointment included Planning Application and working drawings for the scheme, Design and Access Statement and production of an Environmental Impact Statement. Works due to commence on site early 2010.


St Nicholas

Contract Value:              £1.5m

Contract duration:         30 weeks

AKDP Appointment:       Architectural Design Consultants


Working with a Partnering Contractor and the Local Authority, AKDP developed this scheme through Building Control and the construction phases on a very difficult terrain.


The new build included 4 classrooms and toilet facilities for disabled pupils as part of 'Schools for the Future' initiative.


AKDP prepared all general arrangement setting out and working drawings, including temporary crane bases, foundations, retaining walls, columns, concrete floors and superstructure together with a Greenroof construction and cedar cladding.


St John's C of E School


Contract Value:              £425,000.00

Contract duration:         14 months

AKDP Appointment:       Architectural Services


New entrance lobby and reception area to School.


Renewal of paving, roadway, parking and soft landscaping






New City Primary School

Contract Value:              £230,000

Contract duration:         12 weeks

AKDP Appointment:       Sub-Contractor, Architectural Services


This was a new extension to increase the existing dining hall area. With a large external canopy linking this building to the existing main school building. This is a multi use space at all other times other than lunchtime so allows the school to have a much needed flexible indoor space if it’s raining outside and the children needed an indoor play area.


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